Sunday School Starting Back In May!

Posted on Sun, Apr 11, 2021:

Please join us for Sunday School in May at 10 AM.

We will start Sunday School back in person starting in May at 10 AM. Everyone will enter from the front door of the sanctuary. TWe will take temps and provide everyone with a face mask if needed. Classes will start promptly at 10 AM. There will not be a opening Sunday School worship time. The Men's class will meet in the Sanctuary, the Women's class will meet in the Fellowship Hall, and the Co-Ed class will meet in the choir room. Ms. Denise will greet and escort any children/teens to the proper rooms.The children will meet in their regular classrooms. Ms. Denise is looking for 4 additional teachers to help with the children and at least 2 more nursery workers. Please let Denise know if you can help! We are asking that everyone maintain social distancing and wear our face masks. All rooms will be sanitized. Teachers will keep Sunday school class time to 45 minutes. We will have forms to record Sunday School numbers and report on them during the worship service. We will no longer have the 9:30 AM worship service due to Sunday School starting back up. Please pray and bear with us as we attempt to have Sunday School again and prayerfully get back to "normal". 

©2025, Lake Blackshear Baptist Church