Read 2nd Corinthians 4:16-18. Oh what an awesome promise and comfort in these days of sorrow and trial. Life here is brief but eternity is our promise. Thank You, Lord, we needed that today, AMEN!โ๏ธ
Read 2nd Corinthians 4:16-18. Oh what an awesome promise and comfort in these days of sorrow and trial. Life here is brief but eternity is our promise. Thank You, Lord, we needed that today, AMEN!โ๏ธ
Started back singing with the choir for their Easter Cantata, I’m trying to get my voice back. Our Brotherhood-WOM will meet tonight, 6:30 PM. Wayne Veal, a master guitarist, will provide the program. You’re invited. Today is President’s Day; I go back to FDR. Pray for our President; the responsibility is awesome. AMEN!
Battling vertigo, I’m praying for the ability to preach. There are so many issues facing us as a people. I truly believe that the Rapture is near.โ๏ธ Let’s bathe all in prayer and keep our lamps all trimmed and burning, awaiting the Bridegroom (Matthew 25). AMEN?
I have a funeral this Wednesday for a retired firefighter I didn't know, but what an incredible career he had protecting others' lives and property! What will they say at my service? Will they say I continually "ran" my mouth? The only thing that will matter is that I was saved by the Blood of The Lamb. That's for all of us, AMEN? #comehomeatlbbc
I pray for Israel every day. Israel, God's chosen people, was chosen to be the nation from which He would bring His Son, Jesus, in human flesh to be our Savior. He came for everyone, for me, and for you. He stands at the door and knocks; will we let Him in? AMEN? #comehomeatlbbc
At times when my arch enemy, satan, is pursuing me, and I feel helpless, I recite Romans 8:1. “There is now therefore NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus!” AMEN!
I rarely watch TV anymore, just a few glances, strange for someone who earned his living at it for years.๐ค Age and other priorities may be the reason. I talked and prayed with a “bunch” of folks who are dealing with various issues.๐Father, we claim Your promise to Never leave or to Forsake us. We need You, please put Your Arms around us, AMEN!
A faithful couple in our church has lost their daughter, who was in our prayers for a couple of years. She leaves behind her husband and three children. Her father said, 'She's with Jesus.' Sorrow and separation come to all of us. Three things to do: draw close to each other, to God, and to others facing loss. It's the best therapy, AMEN. โน๏ธโ๏ธ
Awesome Sunday School lesson! It's all about worship and how we are not to be just spectators, but participants and involved. โ๏ธ Yes, we can worship anywhere; I do in my car - I sing. I'm not a singer, but God wants us to worship. This Sunday, let's be more than spectators; let's lift our voices in worship and praise of Him, AMEN! #comehomeatlbbc
LBBC is beginning our study in the book of Joshua; he will lead them across the Jordan. ๐ Who are 'them'? The answer is God's chosen people. They were chosen for a purpose: out of this nation, He was crafting would come the Messiah, God in human flesh. The Messiah would come to take our sins upon Himself and, as God's perfect Lamb, make atonement for them. God's plan is still unfolding, with the Parousia, the Rapture, coming next. Are you ready? AMEN! #comehomeatlbbc
More good news, the Lady from our Church, who had the heart procedure, is home!๐Father, thank You that we can come together today for Sunday School and Worship!โ๏ธ COVID taught us not to take it for “granted”.โน๏ธ You can worship anywhere, anytime, but we set aside Sundays as the time for corporate Worship.โ๏ธ In Acts 20:7 we find the First Church coming together on the first day of the week.โ๏ธ Let’s Worship; we were created for it, AMEN!
Answered prayer:๐ a faithful lady in our church came through her heart procedure a-ok!๐ We are now finally able to get out of the house.๐Thank you to the Sheriff’s Office and to all of our first responders for your service this week in keeping us informed and safe.๐๐ “Let not your hearts be afraid, you believe in God, believe also in Me.”โ๏ธAMEN!
8 inches of snow at our home, we have power, heat, food, so blessed! John 6:35, “And Jesus said unto them, ‘I am the Bread of Life: he that comes to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.’” Jesus is coming soon, AMEN!
Seen any pictures of the snow? It’s rare for us, and we’re into it.๐ The snow has brought back memories of my days in the Army stationed in Indiana and Germany. I’m thankful for Sheriff Billy and all our First Responders alerting and advising us.๐๐ Father, please watch over and protect all those who protecting us, AMEN!
Worried about the weather? Yes, it sounds ominous.๐ So, let’s prepare as best we can.โน๏ธFather, we ask protection from the cold; protect those out serving us, our First Responders. We need You, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!๐